A Guide to Making Your Child’s First Dentist Visit a Success

A Guide to Making Your Child’s First Dentist Visit a Success

Posted by COMPLETE DENTAL HEALTH on Aug 31 2021, 06:48 AM

A Guide to Making Your Child’s First Dentist Visit a Success

Watching little ones grow and surpass milestones each day is one of the greatest joys parents can experience. Besides watching them learn and explore the world, parents have another big responsibility - taking care of their health.

Good oral health, in particular, plays a huge role in molding children to become their best and healthiest selves. And, the first step in this journey begins when your child’s first tooth appears.

Dr. Kendall S. Wood, DDS, and Dr. Mathew C. Schapper, DMD, at Complete Dental Health LLC in Albany, Oregon, specializes in offering pediatric dental treatments for infants, toddlers, and teenagers. 

In this blog, our dentists explain how you can make your child’s first dental visit a success.

Prepare in Advance

Children may refuse to cooperate during medical visits because they feel uncomfortable. The best way to handle this situation is to prepare them for the visit in advance. Talk to them about the experience beforehand and build a positive image about it in their mind.

Get them to practice opening and closing their mouth to help make the dentist’s job easier during the visit. Show your child interactive books and watch videos with them about dental visits to help them understand what they are likely to experience.

Parents should also prepare for the visit themselves by making a list of questions they may need answers to. Our dentists can offer the best advice on overcoming your child’s issues if they suck on their pacifier or thumb too much or if they have teething issues.

What Happens During a Dental Visit?

During the dental visit, our dentists will examine your child to ensure their teeth and jaw are developing without complications. Your child will either be seated in the dentist’s chair or on your lap during the procedure.

After the exam is complete, our dentists will clean your child’s teeth, if necessary, and offer you a few guidelines on how to care for their oral health.

Things to Keep in Mind When Booking a Dental Appointment for Your Child

According to the American Dental Association, here are a few things you need to consider when booking an appointment:

  • Don’t book an appointment during your child’s naptime. Ensure your child is well-rested and relaxed before heading into the doctor’s office.
  • Don’t let your child snack just before the visit. Save snacks for after the visit.
  • Make sure your child has had a light meal before the appointment to ensure they don’t get hungry during the visit. Once they’ve had the meal, brush their teeth. 
  • Understand that your child may not react well during the visit. Stay calm and work with your dentist to keep your child calm.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Wood, DDS, or Dr. Schapper, DMD, at Complete Dental Health LLC to learn more about taking care of your child’s oral health. Call (541) 928-6622, request an appointment online, or visit our office at 1123 Hill Street SE, Suite A, Albany, OR 97322.

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